
We are updating our content.

If you are interested in our work, and you want to see what we can do for you, your institution or research group, here are some links to projects that we have done. FruitFly is responsible for the design, development, organization, and coordination of outreach activities and related scientific content, communication strategy planning, promotional campaigns and production of communication materials (web, graphic, audiovisual and educational interactive materials):

  • Melanogaster Catch The Fly, First European Network of Citizen Science in Genomic Adaptation.
  • Molecular Plasticity, La relevancia de las proteínas dúctiles. Art&Science interactive performance created and produced for The Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (CSIC), Zaragoza
  • EuroScitizen COST Action. Research network which aims to identify targeted strategies that will raise levels of scientific literacy in Europe using evolution as a model. Website, communication campaign, and corporate image.
  • Evolutionary and Functional Genomics Group (@GonzalezLab_BCN ), Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF). Website, communication campaign, and corporate image.
  • European Drosophila Population Genomics Consortium (DrosEU), a collaborative consortium of scientists and laboratories interested in evolutionary genetics and genomics of Drosophila melanogaster. Website, communication campaign, and corporate image.
  • #BCN-ConCiencia: Barcelona, 6000 anys d’història. Science Outreach Short Documentaries, created and produced for the Archaeology of Social Dynamics  research group, Mila y Fontanals Institute (CSIC)
  • SeaDance, an interactive system created for Esther Garcés, Principal Investigator of the CSIC Institute of Marine Sciences.
  • AdaptNET, Network of research laboratories working on adaptation genomics. Website and corporate image.
  • La Ciència Al Teu Món (Science at your world)Platform for Scientific Dissemination aimed at young people and the general public.
  • Fronteres del Coneixement, Cutting-edge science lecture series, educational materials and activities for schools.
  • BCN Bio Pro Science Meeting, First scientific conference open to young people and the general public, educational material and activities for schools.
Contact us:

+34 691534980